People of the Past

Who was downtown in turn-of-the-century Faribault?


A Popcorn Vendor

Judson Davis, a popcorn vendor, parked his wagon on 2nd Street, just west of Central Avenue, in about 1900.

Storekeepers and Shoppers


Inside and out, storekeepers and clerks attracted shoppers with displays of wares. The proud owners and employees of the Plante Grocery on 3rd Street offered customers a wide variety of household products and foods in baskets, barrels and boxes, including Crackerjack packages in a box (photo below) bearing the slogan “The more you eat, the more you want.”




Ben Day operated a barbershop that served some of Faribault’s most prominent male citizens. An ad in the Faribault Republican in December, 1872 announced:
“Prof. Ben Day has secured the services of two first-class tonsorial artists, and he can now insure satisfaction in every respect. Three chairs running every day and evening. Admission ten cents. Corner Main and Second Streets.”