City Hall

Faribault City Hall and the Renaissance Revival Style


Faribault City Hall architect, Harry W. Jones, was a student of Henry Hobson Richardson, a fact perhaps reflected in the building’s strong mass. The building’s formal, cubed style helped to communicate the significance of the municipal and civic work that took place in this building.

city-hall-exterior-2_jpg Typical features of the Renaissance Revival style include the building’s entryway, symmetrically flanked by columns and crowned with an entablature (the stone “table” above the door).
citylookup_jpg The building also reflects the Renaissance Revival style in its many rounded arches, as in these examples above the windows and the belt course (line of stone) separating the lower and upper stories.

When the building was restored in 1980, details from the original interior were retained and restored, including those in the present council chambers (below left).
